Thursday, 20 June 2013

Men are stronger, taller and faster than women. Right?

Men are stronger, taller and faster than women. Right? Of course not right! Try again. Men tend to be stronger, taller and faster than women. Right? Of course right! There are evident differences between the sexes but they are tendencies; not immutable and universal facts. Psychologists have found that these 'tendencies for sexual difference' are not just physical; they are also mental. Men tend to be more narrowly focused than women. Women do tend to be better at multi-tasking. Men tend to be more systematic in their thinking than women. Women tend to be more empathetic than men. I could go on.

In summary: men and women should obviously have equal rights but men and women are not the same.

There are important consequences to these observations. If more boys than girls chose to opt to study the physical sciences, we need be neither surprised nor concerned. If more women than men chose to nurture the children, we need be neither surprised nor concerned. If we find more men than women choosing a political career, likewise. If we find more women than men choosing to become nurses, so not surprising.

Society and, in particular feminists, needs to stop fretting about these differences in outcome for men and women. They are unsurprising when seen in the light of the different tendencies of the sexes; both physical and psychological.

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